How to Delete Sofi Account

Wondering how to delete SoFi account? You’re not alone. SoFi has become a go-to platform for various financial products, from investment accounts to cash management services. However, there may come a time when you want to close your SoFi account. Whether you’re switching to another platform or just simplifying your financial life, this guide will walk you through the steps to delete your SoFi account.

Why You Might Want to Delete Your SoFi Account

Investment Platform Alternatives

SoFi offers an invest account feature, but perhaps you’ve found a platform that better suits your investment needs.

Cash Management Concerns

SoFi’s cash management account might not be meeting your expectations, leading you to consider how to delete your SoFi account.

Things to Consider Before Deleting

Outstanding Balances

Before you proceed with how to delete your SoFi account, make sure you’ve settled any outstanding balances.

Legal Implications

SoFi is required to keep certain personal information for legal reasons, even after you delete your SoFi account.

Transfer of Funds

Ensure that all funds in your SoFi Money account or SoFi Invest account have been transferred to an external bank account.

How to Delete SoFi Account -Step-By-Step Process

Preparing for Account Deletion

Check Your Balances

Log into your SoFi account and check your balances. Make sure you don’t have a negative balance in any of your accounts.

Transfer Funds

Transfer any remaining funds to an external bank account. This is a crucial step before you proceed with how to delete your SoFi account.

How to Delete Your SoFi Account Via the App

Via SoFi App

  1. Open the SoFi App: Tap on the SoFi app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to Menu: Click on the menu icon usually located at the top corner.
  3. Go to Account Management: Scroll down and select ‘Account Management’ or similar.
  4. Request Account Deletion: Follow the prompts to request how to delete your SoFi account.

Video Guide

Via Customer Service

  1. Contact Customer Service: Dial 855-456-7634 to reach SoFi’s customer service.
  2. Verify Your Identity: Provide the email address and other personal information associated with your SoFi account to verify your identity.
  3. Request Account Deletion: Once verified, request how to delete your SoFi account.

Via Email

  1. Compose an Email: Write an email to SoFi’s customer service at [[email protected]].
  2. State Your Request: Clearly state that you want to know how to delete your SoFi account.
  3. Send the Email: Send the email and wait for a confirmation reply.


Deleting your SoFi account involves more than just a few clicks. From transferring your funds to an external bank account to contacting customer service, each step is crucial for a smooth process. This step-by-step guide aims to provide you with all the information you need to understand how to delete your SoFi account successfully. If you have any more questions, the FAQs should have you covered. Good luck!


  • How do I close my SoFi account?

To close your SoFi account, you can follow these easy steps:

  1. Log in to your SoFi account.
  2. Go to the account settings or profile section.
  3. Look for the option to close your account.
  4. Follow the prompts and provide any required information.
  5. Confirm the closure of your account.

After completing these steps, your SoFi account will be closed, and you will no longer have access to it.

  • Can I transfer my loan to another account before closing my SoFi account?

SoFi does not offer the ability to transfer loans to another account. If you wish to close your SoFi account and have an outstanding loan, you will need to pay off the loan or transfer it to another lender before closing your SoFi account.

  • What happens to my loan if I delete my SoFi account?

If you delete your SoFi account and have an outstanding loan, the loan will not be automatically canceled. You will still be responsible for repaying the loan according to the terms and conditions you agreed to when taking out the loan. Deleting your SoFi account does not absolve you of your loan obligations.

  • Do I need to close my SoFi account if I no longer want to use SoFi services?

While it is not necessary to close your SoFi account if you no longer want to use SoFi services, closing your account can help ensure your information and personal data are no longer accessible through the SoFi platform. If you are concerned about privacy and security, closing your account may be the best course of action.

  • How do I contact SoFi to close my account?

You can contact SoFi through their customer support channels to inquire about closing your account. This can typically be done through phone, email, or live chat. SoFi customer support will guide you through the account closure process and provide any necessary assistance.

  • What happens to my personal information when I delete my SoFi account?

SoFi follows strict privacy policies and takes measures to protect your personal information. When you delete your SoFi account, your personal information will no longer be accessible through the SoFi platform. However, please note that SoFi may still retain certain information in accordance with their privacy policy and legal obligations.

  • Will closing my SoFi account affect my credit score?

Closing your SoFi account does not directly affect your credit score. However, if you have an outstanding loan with SoFi and close your account, it may impact your credit score if you do not continue making timely payments on the loan. It is important to fulfill your financial obligations even after closing your account.

  • Where can I find the legal information regarding closing a SoFi account?

You can find the legal information regarding closing a SoFi account in SoFi’s terms of service and privacy policy. These documents will outline the rights and responsibilities of both you and SoFi in regard to account closure and the handling of your personal information.

Sharing Is Caring:

Bobbie Garcia is a tech enthusiast and computer engineer, known for sharing handy tech tips across various platforms.

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